Madelena Antiques & Collectables

Majolica Jockey on Horse Figure

Victorian, circa 1900. 12.2ins high, 15ins wide, 4.9ins depth.

Majolica figural which features a jockey on horseback.

Colouration: brown, green, ochre, are predominant.


Generally good. Some small flakes to base edge and horse's nose.

KILN EFFECTS: shrinkage cracks to jockeys back and right shoulder;

a few specks of kiln detritus caught in the glaze.

RESTORATION. Rear hoofs reglued to base and joins retouched.

Front legs and tail reglued and joins retouched.

Filled chips to tail.

Retouched flake to rear, left hoof.

Reins are replacements.

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