Madelena Antiques & Collectables

Pair Hugo Lonitz Finch Wall Pockets

Circa 1880. Tallest is 9.4ins high, 7.5ins wide, 4.3ins depth. Pair of Lonitz Majolica wall pockets which feature a goldfinch on one and a blue and white finch on the other. Both attending their nests, surrounded by oak leaves and acorns.

Colouration: green, brown, blue, are predominant. The piece bears maker's marks for the Lonitz pottery. Bears a pattern number, '1264'.


CONDITION: Goldfinch: Very Good. No restoration.

Blue finch: Good. RESTORATION. Filled chips to leaves on bottom and right hand side.

Filled chip to leaf top right.

Retouched flake to beak tip.

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